User Activity

The user Activity is used to create an actionable item assigned to a user. If a user Activity has been assigned to a user, a task will appear in the user's Task List. The user must complete the task before it can be removed from the Task List. A user who is assigned a task will be automatically given permission to any object in the Process Timeline package so they may complete the task. Examples of this task can be an approval task or update task.

When a Process Timeline Activity is assigned to a user with an invalid UID or user ID, Process Director will immediately stop the process, and place the Process Timeline Activity into an error state. This is also true for anonymous user assignments if the email address isn't a valid format (Process Director can't validate the email address itself, only the format).

Note If your process includes tasks for unauthenticated users, please refer to the documentation on Anonymous Users for special concerns that may apply to some settings.

In addition to the common properties tabs that appear for all Timeline activities, the configuration settings below are unique to this Activity Type.

Documentation Example #

The example below walks through the process of configuring a User Activity.

Participants Tab #

Determines which users are a participants of the user task. Users can be added via the Add Participant button, and the participants can be specified via the Participant Type dropdown.

When multiple users are assigned to a task, a Subtask can be created for each user. You must have a form field that specifies the name of each desired subtask.

In this example, each user is assigned a Subtask Name from a different form field, i.e., Subtask1Name, Subtask2Name, and Subtask3Name. When the users are assigned their task, Both the Task Name (which is the Activity's Name) and Sub Task Name will be assigned to them, so that you can track both the task and subtask for each user as they are completed.

For Process Director v 6.0.100 and higher, each subtask can have a unique due date, assigned via a System Variable. Unlike prior versions, where a single due date was assigned to both the Timeline Activity and all of it's included subtasks, you can now configure a Business Rule to return a unique Due Date for each subtask, based on any evaluable condition, such as the Sub Task Name.

In this example, the Business Rule, named SubtaskDueDatesBR, will return one of three different due dates, based on the name of the Subtask, e.g. "Subtask1", "Subtask2", or "Subtask3". On the Due Date tab of the Timeline Activity, this Business Rule is reverenced in the Set due date from system Variable property to provide the appropriate due dates for each subtask.

Since each subtask is assigned to as different user, Process Director will pass the Sub Task Name for that user to the Business Rule when the subtask is assigned, which will return the unique due date for each subtask participant.

Results Tab #

The Results Tab appears when either the User or Wait Activity Types are selected. The Process Activity also has a result, which is generated automatically, and is explained in the "Results of a Process Activity" section below.

A user Activity in the Process Timeline can have results assigned to it. Multiple results can be added to an Activity by clicking on the Add Result Button.  Each result will have its own properties, which are presented in a tabbed interface.

The results will be used as the Activity result for the task, which will appear in the Routing Slip and in the Timeline Administration screen.

Conditions Tab #

This is one of the two tabs displayed for each result's configuration settings. The Conditions Tab includes the following controls.

Conditions Tab

Options Tab

This is one of the two tabs displayed for each results configuration settings. The Options Tab includes the following controls.

Options Tab

Due Date Tab #

The standard options for the Due Date tab are described in the Due Date Tab section of the Timeline Activities topic. The User Activity Type also has an additional option specific to the User Activity Type.

Advanced Options Tab #

This tab provides many additional settings for controlling task assignment, completion, Activity restarts, and more, as described below.

Other Activity Types

To view the documentation for other Activity Types, you can navigate to them using the Table of Contents displayed in the upper right corner of the page, or by using one of the links below.

Notify: This Activity Type sends email notifications to users who aren't participants in the process.

Process: This Activity Type invokes a different process that will run as a separate, synchronous subprocess.

Script: This Activity Type enables you to invoke a custom script.

Custom Task: This Activity Type invokes a Custom Task to run when the Activity starts.

Form Actions: This Activity Type enables you to manipulate the Form used for the process.

Branch: This Activity Type enables you to change the operation of the Process Timeline to invoke a specified Activity.

Parent: This Activity Type serves as a container for other activities and to create a looping segment in a Process Timeline.

End Process: This Activity Type enables you to conditionally end a process.

Wait: This Activity Type enables you to pause a Process Timeline.

Case: This Activity Type enables you to manipulate the Case instance that is associated with the Process Timeline.