Notify Activity

The notify task allows you to notify users or groups during a process. Most of the Notify Task options are configured via the common configuration options for an Activity, except for the options in the Advanced Options tab.

There are two advanced options for Notification activities.

Other Activity Types

To view the documentation for other Activity Types, you can navigate to them using the Table of Contents displayed in the upper right corner of the page, or by using one of the links below.

User: This Activity Type assigns a task to a user or users, which must be completed to end the task.

Process: This Activity Type invokes a different process that will run as a separate, synchronous subprocess.

Script: This Activity Type enables you to invoke a custom script.

Custom Task: This Activity Type invokes a Custom Task to run when the Activity starts.

Form Actions: This Activity Type enables you to manipulate the Form used for the process.

Branch: This Activity Type enables you to change the operation of the Process Timeline to invoke a specified Activity.

Parent: This Activity Type serves as a container for other activities and to create a looping segment in a Process Timeline.

End Process: This Activity Type enables you to conditionally end a process.

Wait: This Activity Type enables you to pause a Process Timeline.

Case: This Activity Type enables you to manipulate the Case instance that is associated with the Process Timeline.