Process Activity

The Process Activity enables you to specify a Process Timeline to run as a subprocess.

When a Process Activity runs, the process invoked will run synchronously with the parent process. The Process Activity will continue to run until the subprocess completes. Once the subprocess ends, the Process Activity will complete, and the parent Timeline will start the next eligible Activity. For more information on subprocesses, please see the Subprocesses section of the Process Timelines topic.

In addition to the common properties tabs that appear for all Timeline activities, the configuration settings below are unique to this Activity Type.

Process Tab

Determines the process that the Activity starts. It also enables objects in the child process to be copied to the parent and vice versa. The objects copied can be limited to a specified group.

Other Activity Types

To view the documentation for other Activity Types, you can navigate to them using the Table of Contents displayed in the upper right corner of the page, or by using one of the links below.

User: This Activity Type assigns a task to a user or users, which must be completed to end the task.

Notify: This Activity Type sends email notifications to users who aren't participants in the process.

Script: This Activity Type enables you to invoke a custom script.

Custom Task: This Activity Type invokes a Custom Task to run when the Activity starts.

Form Actions: This Activity Type enables you to manipulate the Form used for the process.

Branch: This Activity Type enables you to change the operation of the Process Timeline to invoke a specified Activity.

Parent: This Activity Type serves as a container for other activities and to create a looping segment in a Process Timeline.

End Process: This Activity Type enables you to conditionally end a process.

Wait: This Activity Type enables you to pause a Process Timeline.

Case: This Activity Type enables you to manipulate the Case instance that is associated with the Process Timeline.