Properties Tab

The Properties tab enables you to change the default behavior of the form. We'll discuss all of the existing properties, but keep in mind that some properties are only visible to installations that have the appropriate licensing. If your license doesn't cover a property, such as the auditing or scripting properties, you won't see them in the product UI.

The options on this tab include the ability to change default styles and how to handle validation errors. Associating processes with Forms allows the Form to reference steps and other information in that process. The Default Styles control the stylized borders and colors around Form controls, depending on the controls’ status (enabled, required, disabled, or error).

Options Section #

This section of the tab contains the general properties of the form. This section enables you to specify the Process Timeline to invoke when the form is submitted, and to associate different objects to the form to make configuring conditions based on those objects easier. Additionally, this section contains properties that enable you to configure the overall operation of the form, and specify general form behaviors.

Default Styles Section #

This section enables you to quickly change the default styling of various fields on the Form, based on the status of the field. For each field status, you can choose a default style from the dropdown, or type in any desired CSS styles manually. You can alter the styling for the following field status types:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Required
  • Error

Additionally, the Additional Form Body CSS Styling property will accept CSS Stylesheet Class syntax that you can apply to any element on the Form. You would simply enter the CSS styling in the same way you'd in a CSS stylesheet, e.g.:

    color: #FF0000;
    font-family: Arial, Geneva, Helvetica, sans-serif;

For Process Director v5.31 and higher, a custom variable, EnableFormFieldDownload, will display a link at the bottom of this tab labeled Download Field List, to enable users to download an Excel Spreadsheet containing the list of fields. This feature is primarily relevant to the use of the separately-licensed Mobile Application Component.

More Configuration Tabs

You can view the documentation for each of the other configuration tabs by using the Table of Contents displayed on the upper right corner of the page, or use one of the links below.

Edit: Opens the editor for the form's visual template, the Online Form Designer.

Form Controls: Enables you to set individual properties for each field on the form.

Custom Task Event Mapping: Enables you to map Custom Tasks to run on specified form events.

Validation Rules: Enables you to add custom validation to the form.

Set Form Data: Enables you to set the value of Form fields automatically, based on events or conditions you specify.

Fill Dropdowns: Enables you to automatically set the options available in a dropdown control.

Other Tabs: Documentation for the Form Data SQL View, History, Meta Data, Versions, and Permissions tabs.