Form Controls Tab

This tab displays a list of all the controls (i.e. form fields) on the Form definition. When you add a control the the Form Template, the corresponding Form data field will automatically be created, and the control will appear in the list of controls on the Form Controls tab after the Form Template is checked in.

Properties can be configured for these form controls (fields) by clicking on the Edit link, which will open the Form Field Properties dialog box for the field.

Form Field Properties #

For Process Director v6.0 and higher, the Form field properties can also be configured in the Design Console, a persistent Properties pane that appears on the Edit tab, when the Online Form Designer is displayed. The Field properties can thus be configured on both the Edit tab, as well as the Form Controls tab of the Form definition. In the Online Form Designer, the Form field properties will appear on the Field Properties tab of the designer's persistent Properties pane, as shown below. This feature enables you to set the properties without having to navigate to the Form Controls tab, simplifying the process of fully configuring a control's properties. This feature doesn't necessarily replace the properties accessible from the Form Controls tab, but does give you an additional method for accessing the same properties from within the Form designer.

For all versions of Process Director prior to v6.0, Form field properties must be configured on the Form Controls tab of the Form definition.

On the Form Controls tab, the Form Field Properties dialog box for each form control can be opened by clicking the Edit link for each control. The dialog box enables you to configure the properties of each form field. You can configure the form field’s tooltip, its friendly name, the minimum and maximum values it can hold, as well as under what conditions the form field will be enabled, viewable, or required. You can also configure the form field’s default value, data type, and attribute to which it links. Different form field types may have some subset of the properties below, as not all field types have the full set of properties. In general, however, the full set of form field properties are listed below.

The form field properties include:

Deleting Controls and Form Fields #

Deleting a Form field requires two different actions to remove them from the Form's design.

  1. First, you must delete the Form control from the design surface of the Online Form Designer, then save your changes. The field data for deleted controls will, by default, remain as data in the Form instances that were created when the Form originally existed. This data is orphaned, because the original Form control is no longer present on the form.

  2. The second step, therefore, is to navigate to the Form Controls tab of the Form definition to specify how to handle this orphaned Form field data. Controls that have been removed from the design surface of the Form are shown as being marked for deletion on the Form Controls tab.

You have two option links for handling this orphaned Form data: Delete or Remap.

If you click the Delete option, Process Director will first display a warning dialog box that requires you to click OK to confirm that you wish to delete the field, or Cancel to cancel the action. If you click the OK button, Process Director will completely erase the field and all of its stored data for all Form instances. This action cannot be undone, and the Form field data is completely and permanently erased.

If you need the data in the deleted field to remain accessible on the Form, you can choose to move the field data to a different Form field. To do so, first select the Form field into which you wish to move the data from the provided dropdown, then click the Remap link. The existing data from the old Form instances will be remapped to the field you selected for all existing instances. It's best to remap the data to a new Form field. If you remap the data to an existing field, any Form data in the existing field will be overwritten by the remapped data. Like deletion, remapping cannot be undone.

In the example shown in the screen shot above, the NewField has been selected for remapping the data from DeletedField2. Clicking the Remap link will complete the remapping operation, and the existing data will be transferred into NewField.

More Configuration Tabs

You can view the documentation for each of the other configuration tabs by using the Table of Contents displayed on the upper right corner of the page, or use one of the links below.

Properties: General Form definition properties.

Edit: Opens the editor for the form's visual template, the Online Form Designer.

Custom Task Event Mapping: Enables you to map Custom Tasks to run on specified form events.

Validation Rules: Enables you to add custom validation to the form.

Set Form Data: Enables you to set the value of Form fields automatically, based on events or conditions you specify.

Fill Dropdowns: Enables you to automatically set the options available in a dropdown control.

Other Tabs: Documentation for the Form Data SQL View, History, Meta Data, Versions, and Permissions tabs.