Data List Controls

For Process Director v6.1.0 and higher, a new control dropdown menu, Data List, will appear. This menu will contain the selection for the Data List Form control, and its associated controls.

Unlike other types of Form field, the contents of the Data List control do not get saved with the Form instance as Form data. Instead, the Data List control is largely a display control that presents large datasets from external sources on the Form. The data displayed in the Data List can be selected and transferred to other Form fields for saving as Form data when desired.

As an example, you might have a long list of products that you present in a Data List on a product order form. When ordering products, a user could select the desired products from the Data List, which, when selected, could be stored in array fields on the Form. When submitted, the selected products would be stored as part of the order. Please see the Usage section below for an example of this use case.

Usage #

The primary use case for the Data List control is to return large datasets from external sources without serious impact on system performance. This data, once retrieved, can be used to select items from the large dataset to transfer into Form fields. You can select a single row in the Data List to transfer data into individual form fields, or multiple rows to transfer the data to Array rows.

Data is transferred from the Data List into Form fields by invoking a Set Form Data action on the form. For example, you can add a Button control to a form that, when clicked, will call a Set Form Data action that you configure on the Set Form Data tab of the Form definition. We'll use that method in this example.

In this example, we'll use a button on the Form that we'll call DLButton, which we'll place immediately below the DataList control, as shown in the Form screenshot below. This button's visible label is configured to display the text, Add Row Data.

Immediately below the button is an Array containing four fields that will be the target fields for the data selected from the Data List control.

Since we need to retrieve the data via a Set Form Data action, we need to navigate to the Set Form Data tab of the Form Definition. Once there, we can create a new action on the DLButton event. We can then map the Form fields to the Data List columns we want to use.

The Data List control, because of it's unique nature, has been added to the Form menu of the Choose System Variable dialog box with it's own Form Data List submenu. It is not addressed through the Form Field menu selection like other Form fields.

The Form Data List submenu will only appear on Forms that have a Data List control. Each Data List control will have its own submenu that displays the name of the control, and mousing over it will display a submenu that lists all of the columns in the selected control. In the example above, therefore, the Datalist2 control is displayed with its associated columns: Code, Continent, Country, etc. This display convention is the same as the one used for Business Values, and operates similarly. Thus, the Set Form Data tab can be configured to set the value of Form fields to the value of a selected row or rows in a Data List control, just as you would a Business Value.

In this example, when a Data List is configured to perform Row Selection, the Set Form Data tab is configured to set the value of the AID, Airport, Location, and Alt Array fields to the value of the Code, Name, City, and Elevation columns, respectively, of the selected Data List row.

With this configuration, if one or more rows of data are selected in the Data List, the data from the selected row(s) will be appended to the array fields when the DLButton is clicked.

As shown above, the four airports selected by the user have been added to the Form, using a set of array fields to store the selected row values.

This feature enables you to take any desired data from the Data List control and transfer it to Form fields for saving as Form data.

Clear Selected

For Process Director v 6.1.200 and higher, once multiple rows are selected in a Data List, the selections can all be cleared by invoking a Set Form Data action to set the value of the Data List to an empty string.

When items are selected in a Data List, a value that's essentially a comma-separate list of selected rows is assigned to the control. Resetting this value to an empty string overwrites this list of selections, and all rows will be unchecked.

Documentation Samples

Other Control Tools

You can view the documentation for all tools available in the Online Form Designer by using the Table of Contents on the upper right corner of the page, or by clicking one of the links below.

Input Controls: Controls that are commonly used to collect data, but are a bit less widely used than the basic controls.

Other Input Controls: Additional Input controls, consisting mainly of the different content picker controls.

Actions: These controls enable you to control form actions, like placing buttons, or choosing objects via a picker,

Other Controls: Controls that perform miscellaneous tasks like adding HTML content, or labels.

Layout: Controls that are used to govern the control layout for the template, such as tabs and sections.

Responsive Layout: Controls that implement Bootstrap form layout objects.

Arrays: Controls that enable to you create and control arrays on the Form.

Attachments: Controls that enable you to add and show attachments, such as documents or images, to the Form.

Form Control Tags: System Variables used to add controls to a Form, instead of using the UI controls.