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Global Variables
The Global Variables page enables specific options to be enabled or disabled throughout the system.

Setting this value to "True" will set the landscape aspect ratio as the default for all PDF conversions.

Setting this value to "True" will allow the Process Director installation to use client-side validation. The data that the user enters is validated in the user's browser before being sent to the server. If the validation fails, the user can correct the data immediately. Only data that passes client-side validation is sent to the server, which helps reduce server load. Without client validation, all data must be sent to the server for validation, which may require multiple round trips to the server before the data passes validation. Client-side validation removes the need for these round trips to the server for invalid data.

Enables you to specify the type of mobile devices supported by Process Director by entering a comma-separated list of HTTP types. The default is "blackberry". Available HTTP types include: Android, iPad, iPhone, etc.

Enables you to specify the default “from” email address for a process. If this value is set, ALL emails sent from a Process Timeline will be sent from this email address. This field will accept a display-formatted email address, using the format:
Display Name <>

Enables or disables the client plug-in for Process Director.

Enables you to enable or disable the partition Meta Data administration for Process Director.

Enables you to enable or disable email notifications for running processes. If this property is disabled, Process Director won't send any emails.

If this property is set to "True", permissions can be set to deny users access to Process Director objects.

Enables you to allow users to complete tasks via email. This option can be enabled in two ways. Setting this value to "Yes" will enable all tasks to be completed via email. Setting this value to "Configured in each process" will enable process designers to determine whether completion by email should be allowed on a given process.

Setting this value to "True" will ensure that Process Director will only accept task responses sent from the email address specified in the user's profile. Responses from any other email address will be ignored. If users will respond from alternate email addresses, then this value must be set to "False".

If set to "True", any validation error that arises when a task response is submitted will send an email notification to the sender of the original error.

Setting this value to "True" will enables the "Remember Me" option on the login page. When the user checks the "Remember Me" check box on the login page, the user won't need to type in a password on subsequent logins.

Setting this value to "True" ensures that only Partition Admins will be allowed to configure a Datasource to use the Internal database.

Setting this value to "True" ensures that only Partition Admins will be allowed to configure a Datasource to use the Internal User database.

Setting this value to "True" ensures that only Partition Admins will be allowed to configure a View within a Report Definition.

Setting this value to "True" ensures that only Partition Admins will be allowed to configure scripts for Forms, Process Timelines, and Knowledge Views.

Available in Process Director v6.0.11 and higher, this property enables you to set a date format to apply to log entries. This property accepts all of the standard date format placeholders, as described in the System Variable Parameters topic's DateTime System Variables section. For instance, setting the Log Date Format to yyyy-MM-dd
would display the date portion of a log entry as 2023-11-21
for a log entry made on November 21, 2023. You do not need to add a time format to this property. Times in the log entry timestamps are automatically formatted as HH:mm:ss
, and are added to the date automatically.
Any change to this setting will NOT take effect in Process Director until the system has been restarted. This property is only recognized and implemented as part of the startup process. Once the system is restarted, log entries will use the specified format for dates.
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