Available Web Services

There are many APIs that can be called from any platform that supports Web Services. The BP Logix Web Services are divided into functional areas, providing separate WSDLs for each area.

The table below briefly describes the Web Service areas. The name of each web service is linked to the topic page containing the documentation for all of the Web Service calls available for that web service.




wsAdmin Services to retrieve administrative information, authenticate, and set context. http://<servername>/Services/wsAdmin.asmx

http://<servername>/Services/ wsAdmin.asmx?WSDL
wsCase Services to manipulate Case instances and data. http://<servername>/Services/wsCase.asmx

http://<servername>/Services/ wsCase.asmx?WSDL
wsContent Services to manipulate content items (get, delete, get/set categories and meta data, etc), in the BP Logix repository. http://<servername>/Services/wsContent.asmx

wsForm Services to manipulate Forms including getting and setting form data. http://<servername>/Services/wsForm.asmx

wsGroup Services to iterate and manipulate groups. http://<servername>/Services/wsGroup.asmx

wsReport Services to run a report http://<servername>/Services/wsReport.asmx

wsRule Services to manipulate Business Rules http://<servername>/Services/wsRule.asmx

wsTimeline Services to query, start, and manipulate Process Timelines. http://<servername>/Services/wsTimeline.asmx

wsUser Services to iterate and manipulate users. http://<servername>/Services/wsUser.asmx

wsUtil Utility Services such as version query and a user authenticate. http://<servername>/Services/wsUtil.asmx

wsWorkflow Services to query, start, and manipulate Workflows. http://<servername>/Services/wsWorkflow.asmx


Where <servername> is the host where the product is installed.

Your specific development environment will have documentation to process a WSDL files and calling web services.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) can also be used to call any web service in Process Director. All Process Director web services have a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) interface, and any WCF client can consume the web service. Using WCF also allows you to call web services asynchronously.

Service Handle Method #

For Process Director v6.1.300, The ServiceHandle method for web services was added to the SDK, under the BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK namespace, to enable the creation of custom web services.

This method can be called to perform some complex functions, such as exporting users from an on-premise Active Directory system to a Cloud installation of Process Director. The method can be called with the declaration synatax:

public ServiceHandle(bpWebServiceInternal pService,
                     string pAPI,
                    string method,
                     string sourceFile,
                     int line,
                    params object[] pParams)

Most of the parameters are not enforced if they use the sub-method ServiceHandle.Create instead of creating the ServiceHandle object manually.

This method is normally implemented as a web service via a custom ASCX control.