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This method will authenticate web service requests. Call this method prior to other web service calls. It will automatically populate the SOAP header with a validation token that enables subsequent web service calls.
Input Parameters
User: The built-in or Windows UserID to use for the context of all calls.
Password: The password for this UserID.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.

This method will authenticate web service requests. Call this method prior to other web service calls. The return is a JSON string with the session ID.
Input parameters
User: The built-in or Windows UserID to use for the context of all calls.
Password: The password for this UserID.
JSON: The Session ID.

This method will create an external user.
Input Parameters
UserID: The User ID to add.
Email: The email address of the user.
UserName: The name of the user.
GUID: The external GUID of this user record.
UserType: The authentication type for this user.
User: The new user object that was created, or null if an error occurred.

This method will create an external user.
Input Parameters
UserID: The User ID to add.
Email: The email address of the user.
UserName: The name of the user.
GUID: The external GUID of this user record.
UserType: The authentication type for this user.
User: The new user object that was created, or null if an error occurred.

This method will create a user.
Input Parameters
UserID: The User ID to add.
Email: The email address of the user.
UserName: The name of the user.
Password: The password of the user.
MustChangePassword: True if the user must change password on first login.
User: The new user object that was created, or null if an error occurred.

This method will create a user, and add the user to a specified Group.
Input Parameters
UserID: The User ID to add.
Email: The email address of the user.
UserName: The name of the user.
Password: The password of the user.
MustChangePassword: True if the user must change password on first login.
Group: The Group to which to add the user
User: The new user object that was created, or null if an error occurred.

This method will disable the specified user's account and cancel the user in any active Workflow tasks.
Input Parameters
UID: The UID of the user whose account will be disabled.
ReplacementUID [optional]: The UID of a user who will be assigned in place of the disabled user.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.

This method will remove a user from a specified Workspace.
Input Parameters
UID: The UID of the user to remove.
PROFILEID: The ProfileID of the Workspace from which to remove the user.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.
This function will also return "false" if the user is only implicitly in the workspace, i.e., only in it because he is part of a Group that is assigned to the Workspace, rather than being assigned to it directly as a Workspace user. If you want to remove an implicit user from a workspace, you have to remove the user from the group, or remove the group from the workspace.

This method will replace the user (UID) with another user (ReplacementUID) throughout the system.
Input Parameters
UID: The UID of the user whose account will be replaced.
ReplacementUID: The UID of a user who will be assigned in place of the disabled user.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.

This method will set the context UID for all future web service calls. For instance, this UID will be used as the current user for running Knowledge Views, permission checking, etc.
Input Parameters
UID: The ID of the user to use for the context of all calls.
Boolean: True if the operation succeeds.

This method will update a user's information in the database.
Input Parameters
pUser: A User class containing the user's ID and the information to be updated.
ignoreEmptyFields: A boolean that, when set to "false", will save all empty values in the pUser parameter into the database (normally these are ignored).
Boolean: Returns "true" if the operation succeeds.
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