Direct URL Access to Objects

Most objects in Process Director have a unique URL that is specified in the Properties or Options tab of the object's definition. Workspaces and Documents, however, each share a generic URL, and specific Workspaces or documents are identified via a URL parameter, as described below.


Hotlinks can be used to directly access a specific workspace on the system. To access a workspace directly use the following syntax:

Where "" is the host where Process Director is installed and "profile_name" is the name of the workspace. A user must be a member of the workspace for the page to be displayed.


Hotlinks can be used to directly access and download documents on the system. You may access a single document, or multiple documents. A number of URL parameters can be used to define how you'd like to access the document(s).

Did The Document ID of the document(s) you wish to download.
Path The Partition path to the document.
Zipname The name of the file to save as a zip file when downloading the document(s).
Inline Setting this parameter to "Inline=1" will open the document in the same window (if it is web viewable).
Viewable Setting this parameter to "Viewable=1" tells the system to open the web viewable version of the document, and is only used when Process Director is creating a web viewable rendition (e.g. PDF).
Height The height in pixels to make the popup window to display the document.
Width The width in pixels to make the popup window to display the document.
