Password Enforcement Custom Variables

Password enforcement settings variables are only for users using the Compliance or Cloud versions, and are set in the custom vars file to enforce password strength/security.

Setting Custom Password Enforcement Variables

To set a custom password strength in the custom variables file (vars.cs), you must first set the Password Strength to custom, then add the specific password strength variables that you desire. Below is some sample code for setting a custom password strength.

public override void SetSystemVars(BPLogix.WorkflowDirector.SDK.bp bp)
    // This will set a custom password strength
    bp.Vars.PwdStrength = PasswordStrength.Custom;
    bp.Vars.ForcePwdChangeEvery = 90;
    bp.Vars.LoginFailuresUntilLock = 5;
    bp.Vars.PwdMinLength = 8;
    bp.Vars.PwdMinLower = 1;
    bp.Vars.PwdMinUpper = 1;
    bp.Vars.PwdMinNumbers = 1;
    bp.Vars.PwdMinSymbols= 1;
    bp.Vars.PwdStrengthMessage = "Password must be at least 8 characters,
     and must have an upper case letter, a lower case letter, a
     number, and a special character. EXAMPLE: m0squiTo!