Internal Database Views

A user with IT Admin access can create an internal SQL View in Process Director’s database. The views will be created on the database after clicking the Create Internal VIEWs link on the IT Admin’s troubleshooting page.

We have included multiple pre-constructed Views for use with the reporting and they could also be used in your Knowledge Views. Here is a detailed description of each field in the Views. At the end of this section, there is a short explanation of some of the more advanced database concepts that are implicated by using these Views.

Enumerators #

Several of the Views use common enumerators for status, termination reason, etc.

IsTimeline Enumerator

The IsTimeline field will contain one of the following values.

0 Workflow.
1 Process Timeline.

Status Enumerator

The Status field will contain one of the following status codes.

0 Pending. The process is pending (not yet running.
1 Active. The process is running.
2 Inactive. The process has been completed

TermReason Enumerator

The TermReason field will contain one of the following termination codes.


NotSet. Not yet terminated.


Normal. Normal termination.

2 Timeout . Timeout occurred causing termination of step or Workflow or project (ripple to "non-done" users in step).
3 Did Not Finish. The user did not finish because enough users responded to transition to next step (e.g. approval %).
4 Canceled. Admin canceled Workflow, a step, or a user in a step.
5 Reassigned. This user step/activity was reassigned to another user.
6 NotNeeded. The step/activity was not needed (because of rule).
7 Notified. This value indicates it was a notify step/activity and the user was notified (so it shows up in the routing slip).
8 Stopped. Process stopped at this activity, no dependencies will be met.


The following SQL Views are available for use as a default.